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How To Write Up a Powerful Copywriting “About Us” Page

Edwin Masripan
Last Update: November 28, 2023
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“In 2015, a web usability report has been generated asking about what information do users want to see on the Home page. 52% of them wants to see About/Company Information. This shows that we need to establish trust and credibility with visitors as soon as they enter our website.” ~ Huff Industrial Marketing, KoMarketing & BuyerZone

The flow will be like this:

website user flow - laman7

But, the biggest problem we’re facing right now is how on earth are we going to make this most impactful page to be a powerful one? A good one can turn visitors into paying clients/customers. We compiled a few tips from the experts on how to write up a powerful copywriting “About Us” page.


  • Starts with customer needs
  • Think facts, No Superlatives
  • Never try to be something you’re not
  • Use real photos
  • Streamline accolades (social proof)
  • Never stop tweaking (update regularly)
  • Play pop quiz (ask them)
  • Get over yourself


  • Talk about audience, not yourself
  • Let customers do the talking
  • Include different medias (photos, videos, infographic)
  • Tell your story
  • Include address & contact details
  • Cut our jargon (use simple words)
  • Ask for people’s opinion
  • Make sure it reflects your company
  • Test it (amendments, page accessible)

JustCherry Blog

  • Be Conversational
  • Make it about your customer
  • Give some background (history)
  • Give proof (facts, awards, testimonials)
  • Express what you believe (charitable, public service)
  • Show them what you look like
  • (Real photos & workplace)
  • Make it easy on the eyes
  • Make it easy for people to check you out (Social media)

SusanGreene Blog

  • Specifics better than bold claims
  • Inspire trust
  • Consider your audience
  • Get personal (friendly tone)
  • Describe your values (charitable)
  • Social proof (press, testimonials)
  • Tell humble beginnings
  • Eye-catching photos
  • Promote social media
  • Test for clarity (ask for opinions)
  • To know you is to like you (give overview of company personality)

Above all, I’ve shortlisted 7 tips that are mostly practiced by all the best “About Us” page I’ve found on the Internet :

  1. It’s “About Them”
  2. Express What You Believe
  3. Give Social Proof
  4. Use facts, Avoid Overclaim
  5. Write like you speak, Jargon-free
  6. Tell good humble story
  7. Chicken Pox-Test

1. It’s “About Them”

“About Us” is not really about us. It’s about them. This might sound confusing, but it’s true.Try to put yourself in their position. What is the main purpose of you clicking the page?

write powerful about us page - about customer

Do you really want to know their history or just to discover if there are exciting things for you? See, of all the things, you just want to see yourself in their mission.

Be concern of their needs and show them you are there for them. Build rapport with your prospects.

2. Express What You Believe

The “About Us” page isn’t just about telling visitors what you offer. It is also a place to express why things offered are so important to you and them. It will be much significant if you can inspires the society.

Let it be a punchy statement that describes who you are and what you believe in. I’ll take Nike as an example.

write powerful about us page - motivation

As you can see, Nike use their mission tell us what they believe. The statement If you have a body, you are an athlete” itself tells that every each of us can be an athlete too.

This is not simply a sentence but it motivates people and leaves positive social impact on people.

write powerful about us page - inspiration

What about this one? This is also one of the subheads of Nike’s “About Us” page that gives impact to the community especially parents.

Kids nowadays are spending more time on gadgets and become less active. They promote this campaign to encourage kids to practice healthy lifestyle.

Sincerely contributes something. They’ll remember you.

3. Give Social Proof

Your prospects are looking for a reasons to trust you. People need proof to believe. Show them what you’ve achieved.

It is necessary to tell them what you’re capable of so that they know they can rely on you to solve their problem. You need to convince them with your services/products, like “Yes, we’ve solved your issues before.”

It can be any of your best testimonials. Just pick one or two. But, don’t ever fake your credentials, you might ruin your reputation.

write powerful about us page - testimonials

The Macmillan do mentions their social proof in their About Us page. This is not considered as bragging, it is just a living proof.

Tips! If you don’t have one yet (small business, start-up), tell them about your goals and what’s your plan to achieve it.

4. Use facts, Avoid Overclaim

“We are the best fashion retail in Malaysia”

Are you familiar with this statement? Well, who are the one who acknowledge them with the title?

I’m pretty sure there must be another store which is way better than them. In this subjective matter, different people have different opinions. Avoid telling them you’re on top of everything. You don’t wanna be boastful either, don’t you?

So, instead of over claiming why don’t you just use facts. Tell them what are you capable of, what are your business milestone and how do your business can help them.

Now, let’s have a look at Macmillan Cancer Support Website.

write powerful about us page - use facts

They focus on telling visitors how they can help cancer patients financially and gives moral support instead of saying they’re the best cancer support group in England.

Now, let your prospects decide whether you’re the best or not.

5. Write like you speak, Jargon-free

Corporate-style copy can be boring and flowery. They’ll feel stiff and wondering are there any humans behind all of this?

write powerful about us page - friendly writing

We want the visitor to feel comfortable in our orbit -so be friendly. Make them feel like we’re actually talking to them face to face. Get personal by using first-person and second-person narrative (I, we, us, you).

Besides, try to avoid being jargon. We have to accept that people nowadays are lazy. They prefer something easy and fast.  Don’t expect them to open up the dictionary to define your words.

Just, be as simple as you can.

6. Tell a good humble story

Knowing a person is like a music, what attracts us to them is their melody, and as we get to know who they are, we learn their lyrics. ~ Anonymous

Same goes to our website.

People loves good exciting stories. Well, spend a short time to tell them about how you started and who are the people talking behind the page. It doesn’t have to be long and formal. Just cut it short and fun.

write powerful about us page - company history

Honestly, I’m quite attracted to how Zendesk tell their “how-we-start” stories. I can feel their friendship moments from my own desk. Priceless!

So, don’t give the same conventional facts that most people do. Be creative!

7. Chicken Pox-Test

We make living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give ~ Winston Churchill

On this note, it’s all more about you than me. The more you mention about your prospects, the more likely your business to be relevant to them.

You can use the Chicken Pox-Test to check whether your copy is doing well or otherwise. Let me show you the way.

write powerful about us page - copywriting test

Once you finish writing your copy, do circle the words like what I did. Red circle for first-person narrative (anything to do with “I”, “me”, “our”) and blue circle for second-person narrative (“you”, “your”). Count it.

If you get more blue circles than red, then you’re copy is doing great. Otherwise, recheck. This test is necessary if you want to be relevant.

8. Bonus Round

I’ve mentioned 7, but here’s an additional points that you may consider.

a) Eye Catching Photos

write powerful about us page - clear imagesHumans processes image faster than text. Scientist has proven that human brain processes images 70,000 times quicker than text. So add images that has strong emotional substance.

So, make sure your image is clear. Avoid blur and unrelated images as this will cut off their first impression on you. You set the standard.

You might also consider hiring a professional photographer if you’re having trouble with photography related jobs.

b) Play Pop Quiz

write powerful about us page - poll

Ask for opinions from anyone who is not familiar with your company. What do they think your business are doing? What makes they think your business is successful?

Just throw them with these simple 5Ws questions (who, what, where, why, when). If there are more NO than YES, you’ll need to burn some midnight oils then.

This is sort of an experiment that you can do on your social media to reach your prospects and discover your niche in writing a copy.

c) Never Stop Tweaking

write powerful about us page - update

Life is about getting better from day to day. So never stop correcting.

Whenever you’re on the latest technology, new expertise, new location, new market, just keep your About Us page up to date.

Make sure what you write on the page is similar to what you’re offering today.

Final Words.

You’ve got just a few seconds to impress visitors to your website. Your About Us page could be a turning point to convert more visitors into customers. Follow these steps, and you’ll be on your way to a good start.


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Edwin Masripan
Growth Strategist. Performs marketing, copywriting, design and coding for the most significant chunk of Laman7's work. You'll see him often tucked in the corner with a book, cycling when it is windy, head to the beach when it's rainy. Yeah, he's weird, aren't we all?
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